# Siouxsie Motion Reel
It's been a while since I wrapped a few motion pieces together.  And here it is my new reel 👋
# NOW OPTICS / animated video
Fresh 30" animated video realised for Now Optics, an eye health industry leading company in the eye care field.
# SALESFORCE / animated video
This is the director’s cut created for Salesforce World Tour as the show open for their conference.
# MTV / Elettra Lamborghini - Twerking Queen
Graphic package I've done for the TV show, Elettra Lamborghini - Twerking Queen on MTV.
Collect of idents I realized for Paramount Networks. Three different declination for the on air of the film "Grease".
# HEALTHCARE VIDEO / Undisclosed Client
Great teamwork for this healthcare video on which I had a pleasure to work on. This is an edited version, removing any mention of the brand/client.
# WELCOME / Discover & Embrace Diversity
Welcome aims to visualise complex areas such as Student Voice, Social Inclusion, Prevention, and Diversity by using shapes, movements, colours, and sounds, without any linguistic filter.
# THE TELEGRAPH / Words Chosen Well
My personal edit of a tv commercial and digital for the Telegraph’s "words chosen well" campaign.
# KOBE BRYANT / Booktrailer
Booktrailer for the released of Francesco Poroli book, "Like Kobe".
# JOVANOTTI / Animated Covers
Animated covers for "Oh Vita!", the new album released by Lorenzo Jovanotti.
# FIAT / Animated stickers
Set of GIFs I animated for Fiat during 2019. This serie of stickers and gifs has been made to be used on social media by FCA's audience.
# CN / ID Re-Brand
Collect of loop-able GIFs animation I worked on for Cartoon Network. These elements were produced to re-brand CN On Air and social presence for 2016.
# BANZAI / Animated loop GIFs
Set of loop GIFs I animated for "Banzai", the most important Italian society of e-commerce.
# Motion Reel 2015
Hello folks! Here I am with my new Motion Reel 2015. I hope you will like it :) Peace & Love
# INTER / Christmas Social Campaign
Gif animations series I created for "Inter" with the illustre collaboration of Francesco Poroli.
# MTV / Parental Control
Promo & Graphics Package I produced for "Parental Control" - MTV - Milano Design Studio.
# MTV / Se mi posti ti cancello
Graphics Package I produced for "Se Mi Posti Ti Cancello" - MTV - Milano Design Studio.
# GOOGLE / Gomo
Google lauches Gomo, its new service for mobile phones.
# MTV / Hipsteria
Bumper & Logo Design I produced for "Hipsteria" - MTV - Mtv Milano Design Studio.
# Satellite of Love
My personal and very shy tribute to one of my fav singers ever. Love Lou.
# REAL TIME / Molto Bene Idents
Collect of Bumpers and Idents I produced for "Molto Bene" - Real Time - Discovery Channel.
# DRIBBBLE / Happy 5!
5 as the maximum days we want to work in a week! 5 as the minimum drinks to shot in one night to cheer our guest of honour! Last but not least, 5 as the players on the basketball pitch!
# REAL TIME / Molto Bene Promo
Promo I produced for "Fuori Menu" - Real Time - Discovery Channel.
# Eighteen seconds of harmony
Personal project about harmony. Take the time to do what makes you feel alive.
# REAL TIME / Fuori Menu
Collect of Bumpers I realized for "Fuori Menu" - Real Time - Discovery Channel.
# ILLY / A cupful of creativity
Who doesn't like coffee? Short slice of videos I produced abuot Illy's coffee for Expo 2015.
# Love / Lose
Even if it's Valentine's week and love reigns supreme, I come with this simple gif inspired by a song I deeply love!
# Merry Sweety Christmas
Here I am with my best wishes for a Merry Sweety Christmas to all of you!
# Last Minute Market
A stop motion video I created for my graduation about the waste of the food in Italy.